Naturally Balance Your Hormones with BioTE Medical!
One of the important regulatory systems embedded in your body’s apparatus is your hormones. They act as messengers, designed to interact with specific target cells and organs and provoke a change or result. As we age, hormone production changes, and hormonal imbalance can occur as a result. Unbalanced hormones can have a variety of side effects and symptoms. BioTE Medical provides bio-identical hormone subcutaneous pellet therapy to help balance hormones in both women and men.
BioTE® Hormone Pellet Therapy is based on 34 years of research and relies on data and studies dating back as early as 1939, making this modality of therapy the longest-studied form of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Subcutaneous pellet therapy is the only form of HRT that ensures patient compliance 100% of the time, thus resulting in superior patient results.
Compounding Pharmacies
In conjunction with FDA Certified Compounding Facilities, BioTE® has created a standardized product allowing only a 3 percent variance in the yield of compounded pellets that are used in the BioTE® Method of hormone replacement therapy. All hormone pellets are tested for eight different property values by a third party independent lab, ensuring that the levels of the drug are consistent, giving medical practitioners 100% confidence in the implanted drug.
Certified BioTE® Providers utilize specific blood tests that are entered into the BioTE® proprietary dosing site that produces over 4 million variations of individualized doses to ensure that practitioners are prescribing appropriate protocols for optimal results in hormone replacement therapy.
Thyroid Function
The BioTE® Method recognizes the importance of proper thyroid function as it relates to overall hormone balance. BioTE® is the only hormone pellet therapy company that trains and instructs practitioners on how to incorporate medically advanced thyroid treatment protocols into comprehensive hormone balance.
A-D-K Advantage
The BioTE® Method is the only hormone replacement therapy that recognizes and incorporates a propriety or customized blend of Vitamins A, D and K, ensuring that patients will experience the maximum benefit of their hormone pellet therapy.
Comprehensive Balance Using Nutraceutical Optimization
For patients to become completely hormonally balanced, the BioTE® Method recommends additional nutraceuticals based upon the patient’s individualized biochemical needs. Our optimizers include DIM (diindolylmethane), a proprietary blend of Iodine (BioTE® Iodine Plus), and Oil of Primrose.
The BioTE® Network of Certified practitioners consists of some of the most respected and highly sought after doctors, nurse practitioners and physician assistants across the United States who have successfully treated tens of thousands of patients using the BioTE® Method. The BioTE® Medical Advisory board consists of world renowned experts and authors including Dr. Neal Rouzier, Dr. Dereck Desilva, and founder of BioTE Medical, Dr. Gary Donovitz. The BioTE® Method consistently gains more notoriety in the medical community through our constant educational message and commitment to helping medical practitioners, as well as their patients begin to live healthier, happier lives through optimal hormone balance.
Our pellets are made of pure “Human Identical” hormone and a little Stearic Acid that acts as a binding agent to keep the hormone in pellet form for insertion. If you’ve ever had an Aspirin you’ve had stearic acid, and no one is allergic to Stearic Acid as your body even produces some Stearic Acid.
We “Synthesize” the hormone in the lab (which is different than “Synthetic Hormone” which means a different molecular structure than “Human Identical Hormone”) to be the exact identical molecular structure of the Testosterone and Estradiol molecule that our bodies have been producing all of our lives.
We use the Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen atoms from plant matter such as Soy or Yams (because we have to get the atoms from somewhere) to make the molecule known as Testosterone and Estradiol.
Once this human identical molecular structure is created then it no longer resembles anything that it came from no matter what the source of the atoms was. Under the microscope the Testosterone and the Estradiol that is in the pellet is the exact same molecular structure as the Testosterone and Estradiol that we have in our own physiology.
There is no genetic material in atoms; therefore, they cannot be genetically modified so concerns around GMO, Pesticides, Antibiotics, Herbicides, etc… are of no concern because you cannot alter or affect the atomic structure of an atom with exposure to those things. Hydrogen will always be Hydrogen, Carbon will always be Carbon, and Oxygen will always be Oxygen.
To summarize… we are able to make (synthesize) anything in the laboratory or compounding pharmacy to resemble anything that exists in nature and not in nature, in this case, Testosterone and Estradiol. The human identical hormone that is in the pellet is just that….Human Identical Hormone and does not resemble or have any of the characteristics of the source material (plant matter in this case) from which it was created.
The body knows exactly what to do with the hormone it has been producing all of its life with no adverse reactions or side effects.